ROD magazine
Power Tour 2001
Three Rodsters were
built (starting on Jan. 27, 2001) specifically for the Power Tour
(and a cover story in KIT CAR magazine) that kicked off in Detroit,
MI on May 3, 2001.
All three were long-haulers,
with Henry and his new Rodster Sedan Delivery catching up with
the group in Albuquerque, NM for some "kicks on Route 66."

ROD magazine
Power Tour 1997
Rodster was one of the pioneer Power Tourers.
We (Jim
Youngs, the editor of KIT CAR magazine and Henry Caroselli,
the "rodsterfather") were one of only 50 or so long-haulers
(vehicles that traveled every mile from LA to Detroit) that
2600 miles were covered - no sweat.

The Rodster Street
Rod and the HOT ROD Magazine Power Tour.

Perhaps the premiere national
event of Hot Rodding and Street Rodding is the Power Tour put on each
year by HOT ROD magazine.

cool in Kansas City.
Caroselli has taken a different Rodster on the tour three different
times and had a great time each trip. Typically it starts in Michigan
and ends in California, but you can join the tour at any point along
the way.
The tour combines Hot Rods
and Street Rods with travel and companionship. To learn about the adventures,
click on any year listed below.

The Rodster hanging out with HOT ROD magazine's 50th Anniversary
Track T roadster.

CLICK HERE to read about the 2001 Power Tour in KIT CAR Magazine.

ROD magazine
Power Tour 2001
ROD magazine
Power Tour 1998
ROD magazine
Power Tour 1997