Kit Car Builder magazine featured Chris's awesome Rodster Street Rod
Pickup Truck on the cover of their June 2004 issue.
Click Here to see the entire article.


Street Rod Pickup Trucks are Hot, Hot, Hot.
It was back in 1999 that
we sold the first Rodster Street Rod kit specifically to convert a Chevy
S-10 Pickup (from the B-pillar forward, everything is the same as it
is on the S-10 Blazer).
Lately the interest in these
pickup truck conversions has taken off, probably due to the intro of
that sweet new Chevy SSR (selling for over $42,000!!!).
In any case, we thought
like to know that with a few easy mods, our SEDAN
DELIVERY kit can turn an ‘82-‘93 Chevy S-10 Pickup
Truck into a retro rod - like the beauty pictured here. (Basically
the builder has to do is extend the fiberglass rocker panel covers
- as even the short-bed S-10 Pickup has a 7.8" longer wheelbase
than the 2-door S-10 Blazer).
As you can see in the photos,
our optional visor will go on a pickup cab, and the optional rear fender
flares fit right on the sides of the pickup bed box.
A big plus is that these
pickup truck conversions are amazingly cost-effective and they still
retain their utilitarian nature . . . but best of all, they get tons
of attention.

Bob Crosbie
Jones, Michigan
Bob purchased a Rodster Street
Rod Sedan Delivery kit with the idea of putting it on a 1993 Chevrolet
S-10 Pickup. He received the kit in February of 2003 and is very impressed
with the quality of the fiberglass. Bob took his finished Rodster Pickup
to a show on July 4th.
It has lots of nice custom
touches like cherry-wood rails on the bed, dual exhaust, and painted
wheel centers. This retro-rod beauty draws a crowd wherever it goes.
Quoting Bob: “It is
definitely an attention getter. It draws waves, thumbs up, nods, honks
and I caught one guy taking a picture with his camera phone while passing
me at 55 mph on a two lane road.”
(Special thanks
to the Gilmore Car Museum for the use of their awesome vintage gas station
as a photo location.)

Chris Courtney
Cleveland, Texas
Chris has taken the Rodster
Street Rod Pickup Truck to a whole ‘nother
level. It has already won him a bunch of trophies (six of ‘em
first place).
His starting point was our
Sedan Delivery Complete Kit and rear flares. Check out the many custom
touches he added like the: chop top, awesome
flamed paint job (How could anyone miss it?), dash w/wood inlays and
classic gauges, dual sport-bar hoops, bed and cool cover, flared-in
rocker covers, shaved door handles, and American Racing Hopster wheels.
Plus, under that hood is a thumpin’ 350 cu. in. V-8.

It was a pleasure working
with Chris to help him realize his dream vehicle. Even we didn’t dream it would turn out this awesome.
Wouldn’t you just love to go cruisin’ in this wild machine?

Bill & Suzanne Pratt
Stagecoach, Nevada
Bill & Suzanne are
enthusiastic kit-car builders and are very active in the Association
of Handcrafted Automobiles Club. They have a few kit
cars, and purchased a Rodster Street Rod Sedan Delivery kit
in 1999 to put on a Chevrolet
S-10 pickup. They moved to Nevada in 2000 and put the
Rodster conversion on the back burner while they re-did their
homestead, but they are
now planning to have their Rodster Street Rod Pickup
together for Reno, Nevada’s Hot August Nights.

A sneak-peek
of their work-in-progress Rodster Street Rod Pickup Truck.
Leon Crow
Kingman, Arizona
Leon is a real player
in the radio-controlled airplane world. And he wanted to build up
a full-sized project, so he chose a Rodster Street Rod. In mid-February
of this year he drove over to California to pick up a Rodster Street
Rod Sedan Delivery kit with plans to put it on his Chevy S-10 Pickup.
He making excellent progress, and expects to have it together this
