The Condie Family
Rodster Project
The first step was picking
up the kit at the Rodster factory. That provided an opportunity to view
a selection of finished Rodsters.
Then the work began, with
the loading of the U-haul trailer.
That was followed by the
drive home and the unloading of the trailer.

The Rodster kit was nestled
into its new home, the family garage.

The donor car was a pretty
nifty looking Blazer, but it was about to get even better looking. In
the meantime, however, it wasn't going to look so pretty.
First, get rid of that
ugly top.
A little cut, cut, cut...
The roof
is removed. And disposed of.

The Blazer is now a convertible.

Sort of...
Next comes measuring
the doors for a perfect fit...
Then carefully rechecking
the measurements and the fit of the doors...
Then check them again...
Finally, the doors are
The fit is perfect -- and
why not? They're the same doors that came on the car.
The radiator is removed
and set aside while some minor adjustments are made.


A few final, late night
touches and tweaks...

A final test drive, just
to be sure.

And a final photo op.
All that's left is a trip to the paint shop.

Now -- that wasn't so hard,
was it?